Monday 24 March 2014

The PAS volunteer expansion

In April 2013 the PAS realised news of a £17.600 lottery grant to develop a project for expanding its volunteer base in the hope of spreading the PAS word and also being able to record more items.  Since the comment below I haven't been able to see an update so I have emailed Claire today to see how the project is developing.

Thank you for your comments. Although the project will be coordinated by the PAS central unit based at the BM, we will be spending the next year finding organisations within local communities to host the project hubs - this will form a large part of the development phase. These will be centred around local FLOs. The aim of the project is that the volunteers recruited will be properly trained, which is what we will be applying for funding for. This will help ensure best practice by all involved in the project. We also hope that the volunteers we recruit will stay involved in the project long-term.

My email.

Hi Claire

I hope you are well. I was reviewing the PAS news website and saw your article on the Lottery Fund first-round pass to expand it's volunteer base query dated 2nd April 2013. I was wondering how this project was developing as I would may be interested in any opportunities that the project presents. I recently set up a blog called 'The Responsible Detectorist' and one issue that has been discussed is the under recording of items which I understand is down to a number of factors one being the finite resources of the PAS and another being detectorists not handing over their finds for recording. I was therefore interested in seeing how / if the volunteer project is progressing as this would hopefully give detectorists less excuse to say they don't hand over finds because their FLO is to busy!

I look forward to your response.

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